For the 2024 - 2025 season, the Manitoba Curling Tour (MCT) has established a standardized set of rules for all MCT run events. All possibilities have been considered with an appreciation for what the players - and the curling clubs - need. As you know, many event details depend on the number of team entries, the number of sheets per curling club, the days/times available to play, etc.
Please note that specific rules may change depending on the event. A confirmed set of rules for each bonspiel will be sent by email along with the official draw, so please refer to those first, as they will override anything written here.
All CCA rules apply (linked here).
WCF / CCA brush pad rules in effect (linked here).
Draw development will use the WCTRS rankings for seeding as of the registration deadline of the event.
All games will be 8 ends. No bell will be used, unless requested by the host club. If the club would like to use a bell, we will do our best to communicate this to teams ahead of time, however a note will be made on the hard copy of the draw at the club so please check this before game time.
NO TIME-OUTS. AVOID SLOW PLAY! In order to allow the ice crew sufficient time to prepare the ice surface between games and to allow for fair play, it is very important that all teams practice and play in an efficient manner.
If a bell is to be used, once the bell rings teams are to complete the end in progress, plus one more. A reminder that once the final stone of the end crosses the first t-line that end is considered complete.
An extra end will be played if the game is tied after 8 ends.
The tick rule will be in effect for all MCT event games. Teams are encouraged to agree on stone placement on their own. If an agreement cannot be made between teams, an MCT or club representative (i.e. volunteer) will make an independent decision.
Practice will start 15 minutes before listed game times.
For regular game play (anything not including playoffs) teams are to flip a coin 20 minutes prior to game time. The winner of the coin toss will select order of practice OR stone color.
Practice will be 5 minutes OR 4 rocks there and 4 rocks back (whichever comes first). Please be respectful and use good time management for practice as this helps to keep the games going on time.
1st practice will throw the clockwise turn and 2nd practice will throw counter clockwise turn.
A Last Stone Draw (LSD) will determine hammer in the first end.
Teams must measure their own LSD and are responsible for noting the distance to determine hammer.
If there is a TIE situation after both practices are complete (eg. both teams cover the pin or both teams hog or go through the rings), only then will a second player from each team throw a second stone (no practice throws). The first practice team will throw first.
If after this there is still a tie situation, then the teams will flip for hammer.
The number of playoff teams / games will be determined on a per event basis as this depends on the number of entries and type of draw.
In each playoff game the team with a better record (regardless of draw format) will start with hammer OR choice of colour. In this case the hammer team will practice first.
Teams with the same record will complete a last stone draw for hammer, and a coin toss will determine colour and order of practice.
Tiebreaker games will be determined on a per event basis.
For information regarding provincial berths or MCT points allocation please visit those specific pages.