The MCT uses it's own points system to rank Manitoba curling teams that participate in MCT bonspiels in order to determine which teams win the MCT appointed berths to their respective provincial playdowns.
For the 2024 - 2025 season the points allocation will be as follows :
For all events with a minimum of 8 teams :
Champion : 40 points
Finalist : 30 points
Semi-Finalist : 20 points
Quarter-Finalist : 10 points
All other non-qualifying teams will receive 1 point per win, including tie-breaker wins that do not result in qualifying
For events will less than 8 teams but with qualifiers, the points will be weighted 50% of the above, resulting in :
Champion : 20 points
Finalist : 15 points
Semi-Finalist : 10 points
Quarter-Finalist : 5 points
All other non-qualifying teams will receive 1 point per win
For smaller events with no qualifiers :
Teams will receive 3 points per win (eg. best of 3 series between 2 teams - 1 team would earn 6 or 9 points, the other would earn 3 or 0 points)